Toro’s Bar is still here!

One of Eron and my favourite family-run eateries in Bucerias, Mexico is Toro’s Bar (see our initial review in April 2017). Given the rate that new businesses come and go in this town, we wondered if they would still be in operation on our next visit to Bucerias. On our second evening in town, we decided to drop by. Well, to our surprise, and genuine delight, Toro’s is still here! They survived the lean-time through summer and the early fall and are still in their original location.

Christopher making a House-Special Margarita for Eron.

Christopher del Toro is still the owner-manager-maitre de-waiter-bartender while his wife provides the magic behind the food. They still feature three items as their menu; a cheeseburger, chicken wings, and tacos (fish, chicken, and beef). Having enjoying each of these in April, we were looking forward to trying them again.

Eron freely admits she is not a “burger-person” but she absolutely loves Toro’s Cheeseburger. So, that would be our choice this evening.

A true “dislocate-your-jaw-to-eat” cheeseburger!

We surrendered… they were so juicy and full of stuff, we had to eat them with a knife and fork.

The burger is as we remembered it; so thick and juicy you have no choice but to eat it with a knife and fork and stacked with a 250 gram, hand-formed patty underneath farm-fresh lettuce, onions, and slices of beefsteak tomato. The patty is seasoned throughout and topped with a slab of real fresh local cheese. As if this mondo-burger wasn’t enough by itself, the burger comes with some of the most perfectly cooked  French Fries we’ve ever had; golden-brown and crispy on the outside and fluffy-white on the inside. Wow!

Toro’s House-Special Margarita still gets a double thumbs-up from Eron. She reports that it has many subtle flavours that are lacking in the run-of-the-mill versions found elsewhere. Christopher let us in on one of his secrets; tonight, the salt he used to rim the glass contains a mixture of dried chiles and crushed, dried Mescal worms. He tends to experiment a lot and will tweak his Margarita recipe from time to time often adding an unexpected garnish or ingredient.

According to Christopher, he is planning a modest addition to their menu; his own take on Chili con Carne and a Taco Pastor (marinated pork steak).

Toro’s is open from 5 PM to 1 AM. You can drop in for a meal, a snack, or just drinks. And they still play a great mix of 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s chart-toppers; loud enough to hear but not so loud that it’s intrusive.’s%20bar%20bucerias

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1 Response to Toro’s Bar is still here!

  1. william morrison says:

    The beautiful thing here is the delightful comments and incredible descriptions…it’s like i am there in person….and oh my such photo’s..
    Truly an inspiring commentary…thank you for posting.!!!

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